Mission statement: End suffering - save Earth. Long haired singer/songwriter, lead guitarist, keyboard player, saxy saxyphonist...mainly over the hill LOSER!! (La - hoo - za - her)!! Ivy league, Wharton Business School/Moore School of Engineering Management and Technology BURNTOUT-DROPOUT!! ("I wouldn't work if you paid me!!" and "The only thing I learned in business school is that I don't want to "work" a day in my life...I want to "play" and get paid for it!!!" Fearful leader of the bands: Graff Brother's Band, Jack, Mustang, formerly of the Drivers, Motor, Simple Man, High 'n' Dry, Signal Zero, Mardi Gras Band, Bertie Higgins, Dennis Yost, etc.(READ: "Musical SLUT - I will play any intsrument, with anyone, in any style for any amount of money!")
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